Young people jettisoned on climate vaccines and housing

August 20, 2021 â€" 5.00am

Seismic testing is a dark, dirty and destructive secret happening beneath Australian waters, out of sight and mind. Were the same amount of unaccountable devastation happening on terrestrial Australia there would be riots in the street.

It is the process of locating gas and oil deposits deep beneath the ocean floor. This is done by trailing an air gun off the back of a ship, which sends out sonic blasts every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, at 256 decibels, for up to two months at a time.

A group of environmental activists paddle out into Corio Bay to protest a seismic testing ship en route to Otway Basin off King Island.

A group of environmental activists paddle out into Corio Bay to protest a seismic testing ship en route to Otway Basin off King Island.

To give perspective, a jet engine at 50 metres is 140 decibels. Therefore, seismic blasts are a type of energy so powerful that humans have to stay five kilometres away to avoid permanent harm. To the acoustic ocean world it is diabolical.

Seismic blasts destroy zooplankton floating near the ocean’s surface, they disorient crustaceans, making them vulnerable to predators, and they muck up the echolocation abilities of mammals such as dolphins and whales.

They completely destroy scallop beds and have devastating impacts on fish stocks â€" evidenced by the ongoing surveys conducted by seasoned fishers on behalf of the fishing industry.

In one example, there was a 99.5 per cent reduction in whiting catches and a similar impact on flathead, similarly East Coast fishers have seen up to an 80 per cent reduction.

The IPCC report has issued warnings about the risks posed to the climate by not reducing coal emissions.

The IPCC report has issued warnings about the risks posed to the climate by not reducing coal emissions.Credit:Peter Davis

The most pointless part is that we already know where enough gas deposits lie to last us to 2050 (if we use it domestically), by which time we will most certainly cannot be using fossil fuels any longer, if we are to avoid catastrophic climate change.

The International Energy Agency itself has even stated that if we are to genuinely meet the net zero targets by 2050 there can be no new coal, gas and oil projects. And yet, the Geo Coral set sail into the ocean towards the King Island region this week to conduct seismic testing, so clearly our governments cannot be serious about their climate targets.

Such news, following the latest International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, creates ever strengthening ripples of anxiety, particularly among our young people who fear for their future.

Some are now so desperately unhappy with government inaction and the cost on their future they feel being arrested and fined is actually less of a cost than the cost to their future if nothing is done. And so, some took to the water, while others chained themselves to fences and the ship itself.

These protesters want their governments to listen and look beyond the short-term dollar and career stepladder of politics. They are rightfully demanding that the current generations in charge consider what our actions will cost the futures of those still to come.

I know plenty of younger people who have already decided not to have children or who are very torn over the decision â€" worried whether the world their children will grow up in will be stable enough.

Sure, humans have lived in unstable times for our whole existence, but never at this scale or irreversibility and never a case of parents thinking their children’s future would be less promising than their own.

Theirs are the futures who are most affected, not just through a climatically altered environment, but also through their living standards, financial independence, education and mental health. And these are all because governments continually fail our young people, especially the ones yet to reach voting age.

The true cost of the pandemic on our youth will not be known for quite some time, but the huge increase in mental health issues is breathtaking.

Long and continual lockdowns are hard for most of us, but for those in the turbulent years of adolescence where friendship and connection with peers are daily lifelines, the isolation is crippling, demotivating and hard to navigate.

The pandemic has also hit young workers the hardest financially simply because they make up more of the casual and disposable workforce. Financial supports mostly vanished and yet again they are left to just wear it quietly. Meanwhile, they’re often the most exposed to infections because of the types of jobs they work, and yet, are last in line for vaccinations.

House prices have reached ridiculous levels, especially through COVID-19, and yet now neither side of government will talk about removing negative gearing after the last election disaster for Labor.

For younger Australians, the Great Aussie Dream is like a once upon a time fairy tale they were read at bedtime. They are rightfully despondent and angry.

Governments showing such a broad lack of respect and care is beginning to have very significant consequences for the young and yet-to-be-born generations.

They are watching us carefully and many have the confidence and eloquence to call us out. People who have little left to lose are the very thing governments should want to avoid.

Nicola Philp is a freelance writer and an environmentalist.

Nicola Philp is a freelance writer.

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