LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Wokeness in military does harm

The “woke” culture that is now becoming a priority for our military is an insult to those American men and women who served in the worst of times and their families who suffered as collateral damage (“Military academies stonewall demands for transparency of CRT curriculum,” Web, Aug. 9). 

My father enlisted in the Navy in 1943 as an 18-year-old and served as an aviator in the Pacific theater. At one point his crewmates had to suspend him by his ankles into the bomb bay of their VPB-144 plane to try to “unstick” a huge bomb. 

Despite my years of effort and every excuse imaginable from those with whom I have tried to work, my family is still waiting for the awards my father earned. 

Yet Congress found no problem with immediately awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to the U.S. Capitol Police for simply doing their jobs on Jan. 6, 2021.

Congress and those it has put in charge of our military have made it abundantly clear they have no respect for any service member who is not on their current ‘chosen’ list. I call that misguided and pathetic.


McLean, Va.

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