How to Choose the Best Aloe Vera Gel for Your Skin in 2021

Aloe Vera GelPhoto is taken from Internet

The best aloe vera gel is magic that needs no introduction. The soothing medicinal properties of aloe vera have made it a staple not only in the home but also in the cosmetic industry. It is incredibly moisturizing to the skin, which is why it is used in soaps, shampoos, conditioners, creams, and hair and face masks. It’s hard to believe that a simple plant can be packed with amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and other beneficial substances. However, getting them every time you need them for your skin or hair can be exhausting.

You may not know it, but whatever your health problems, aloe vera can probably help. This succulent plant grows all over the world and is often called nature’s miracle plant. Since aloe vera is a source of healing and relief, it helps reduce cystic acne, digestive problems, and cancer. Nowadays, it’s used in cosmetics and personal care products and beverages. Find out more about the benefits of aloe vera and why an organic product may be the best choice for your health.

How to make the best aloe vera gel?

To make the best aloe vera gel or lotion, the leaves of the plant are filled with a clear liquid that must be pressed or cold-pressed. After this process, you are left with a thin, juice-like gel, which can easily be made into a gel with a natural thickener. There you have it: you now have a natural product that lasts for several months.

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Additionally, when we say it’s a miracle plant, we’re not kidding. Here are some of the ways aloe vera can soothe all ailments: Used topically, aloe vera has a cooling effect that can soothe sunburn or dry, itchy skin. It can speed up the healing process of burns, cuts, and even acne by reducing inflammation. Taken internally, it can treat heartburn, lower blood sugar levels by raising triglycerides and help with constipation due to its laxative properties. It’s easy to grow at home: the succulent can grow in a variety of climates and requires little care.

The plant is consumed and revered as a superfood. Ancient queens of Egypt reportedly used aloe vera as a cosmetic. Also, they used it for various medicinal and healing treatments. So, it was often called “the plant of immortality”.

Does aloe vera have the same beneficial properties?

You too are a queen and deserve to experience the same. Here’s how to choose the best aloe vera gel to get your own dose of nature’s oldest skincare ingredient.

Where does it grow?

For many of us, aloe vera was one of the first skincare products. Whether it was to soothe a cut, a burn or excessive sun exposure, but even today, after many years and many products, we still use it regularly.

Aloe vera has a soothing and cooling effect on the skin, which is why it is associated with sunburn. Of course, you should always use a product with a sun protection factors and avoid, as far as possible, exposure to the sun without protection, but if the unexpected happens and you are caught off guard, here is a very good home remedy.

The phrase “go where it grows” refers to the plants’ natural habitat. Finding the origin of the aloe can often mean getting the least manipulated source. There are more than 500 species of aloe vera, all of which originated in Africa. Fortunately, aloe vera now grows almost anywhere there is sufficient dryness.

Aloe vera is an oily plant that thrives in desert climates and does not tolerate standing water. Because of its commercial success, aloe vera is often grown under controlled conditions throughout the United States, but it also grows naturally in Florida, Arizona, and Texas.

Some of the purest forms of best aloe vera gel can be made directly from the leaf.

Cultivation of aloe vera

The cultivation of the plant is not difficult. There are different methods to obtain the best aloe vera gel and prepare it for skin, hair, or consumption. Basically, the leaf is cut vertically to reveal the gel, collected, filtered and different ingredients are used depending on the intended use.

Unlike aloe vera products, the gel extracted directly from the leaf deteriorates very quickly due to its extreme freshness. However, this may be a small price to pay if you consider that it can produce the most effective results.

Common aloe or organic aloe

From the purity of the plant to the commercial production of the best aloe vera gel, many things can happen. Purity does not mean that the aloe is not pure, but that its quality is protected. However, it is important to read the ingredients. Even if the gel is marketed as 99% aloe vera, it may receive some additives.

  • Preservatives (often non-toxic) such as citric acid.
  • Potassium sorbate to prevent mold formation in pure aloe vera gel.
  • Xanthan gum to obtain a thick and gelatinous texture.
  • Vitamin C as a stabilizing agent
  • These ingredients are safe and are often found in pure organic’s best aloe vera gel products. However, not all plants are the same.

    In regular best aloe vera gel, additives and toxic ingredients can cause an inflammatory reaction in the skin or body and weaken or even cancel out some of the beneficial properties of aloe. When choosing the best gel of aloe vera, avoid the following ingredients as much as possible.

  • Sodium benzoate
  • Carrageenan
  • Parabens
  • Sulfates
  • Propylene glycol
  • Triclosan
  • Phthalates
  • Petrochemicals
  • Fragrances
  • Dyes
  • It’s important to know that not all conventional gels contain toxic ingredients. Also, all organic gels are not more effective or beneficial. Aside from possible adjustments to the ingredient list, the main differences are in price, processing, and overall commercial value.

    How to check the quality of the best aloe vera gel?

    Ingredients say a lot about the product you get, but they don’t give the whole picture. Checking the quality of the best aloe vera gel starts with the percentage. The higher the percentage of aloe vera, the fewer filters to look for.

    The difference between a product containing 100% best aloe vera gel and a cleanser with a single leaf is the substance in between.

    With the middleman, you get nice packaging, clean and sometimes processed aloe, and a higher price. The convenience is usually worth it, as few people want to take the time to peel, press, and store the aloe vera leaf gel.

    When choosing the best aloe vera gel, look for the following:

  • The highest proportion of the best aloe vera gel
  • The least amount of added ingredients
  • If ingredients are added, they must be non-toxic.
  • Organic
  • Best aloe vera gel directly from the aloe leaf
  • It is also helpful to pay attention to product reviews. Sometimes former consumers can provide information on exactly what to expect from pure aloe vera gel.

    Methods of using the best aloe vera gel

    So why should your best aloe vera gel be as pure as possible? Apart from the obvious, pure plant-based products offer the highest concentration of beneficial substances and you know exactly what you are applying to your body or ingesting.

    Best aloe vera gel has impeccable benefits for skin and hair, including:

  • Relief from sunburn
  • Reduces redness
  • Treats acne and scars
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Strengthens hair follicles
  • Promotes hair growth
  • A natural remedy for fungal infestations
  • Soothes irritated skin and scalp
  • Retains moisture
  • Reduces the appearance of pores
  • The gel of aloe vera has been considered an effective remedy for healing and beauty for thousands of years, and its benefits have stood the test of time.

    Our selection of the best aloe vera gels

    If you’re ready to incorporate the benefits of aloe vera into your skincare routine but prefer not to look for a quality product, our experts can help you save time.

    Seven minerals best aloe vera gel

    Best aloe vera gel is made from fresh aloe vera leaves. Seven Minerals Best aloe vera gel has citric acid and ascorbic acid.

    If you are not satisfied with your purchase, Seven Minerals will refund your money within 6 months of purchase.

    Best aloe vera gel Amara Beauty

    Amara Beauty is one of the top-rated gels on Amazon and offers a cold-pressed best aloe vera gel made from 99.75% organic aloe vera and also contains citric acid, potassium sorbate, ascorbic acid, and xanthan gum for preservation and thickening.

    Best aloe vera gel: the most popular super-food for your body

    There is never a shortage of the best aloe vera gel products. The secret to using this medicinal plant is to know what to look for and what to avoid.

    Start with the ingredients, find out how they are processed, and look at past customer reviews. If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the store, get your own organic aloe plant.

    With a little DIY magic, you can make the purest best aloe vera gel from the leaves. You can even get creative by adding drops of your own oil, lemon juice for extra vitamin C and a brightening effect, or witch hazel for a homemade aloe tonic. The possibilities for this beauty product are endless.

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